319-352-2590 triumc@gmail.com


Missions We Support

Ways to Donate

Important things you can do to help:

GET HELP – VOLUNTEER – DONATE through the Waverly United Way

– Volunteer to help where needs exist in the Cedar Valley at the Volunteer Center

Donate to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank at https://www.northeastiowafoodbank.org/

Our previous Director of Discipleship and Dennis Epley were Rapid Response Volunteer Team Members for Eight Days of Hope and have traveled to others in need in the event of disasters. Their latest trip was to Florida to help clean up after Hurricane Ian (October 2022) Click to donate: https://eightdaysofhope.com

The current climate presents challenges to helping in this time of need. But one important thing that you can do is reach out to your neighbors to see what their needs might be. Perhaps you can run an errand, deliver a hot meal, let them know you are praying for them, or simply provide a conversation.


Laura and Timo Harkonen
Laura and Timo Harkonen were in Nairobi for two years. Laura provides this update:
Timo will be teaching theology students that come from all over Africa at Africa International University. He will also be working through a mentoring program and some curriculum development to help him be truly prepared to return to grassroots teaching in rural Africa. The vision is to help provide strong Biblical training and discipleship for national church leaders and missionaries who do not have the financial means to attend a University, but who will strengthen the church and be involved with evangelism and discipleship. It is essentially the same vision as the learning center that was started in Nyankunde. We will also conquer Swahili, which we had began in Congo, but not mastered. After two years, we will move to a smaller village in one of the Swahili speaking countries where Timo will then focus on grassroots level teaching, discipling and equipping local Christians to go out and make disciples and plant Christ-centered churches among their own people. Updated 7/2019

Local Work

Bremer Jail Ministry

A weekly program to visit and pray with the women at the local county jail, this ministry has the goal of supporting, comforting, and forming relationships.

Brown Bag Program

In order to provide groceries for a Thanksgiving meal to those who otherwise may not have the resources, this is a program where Trinity members collect, organize, and deliver food. In 2019, 151 area families were served.

School Partners

Trinity is teamed up with area principals to help provide teachers with items to help calm and focus students with emotional or behavior problems, as well as help teachers with classroom supplies that often come out of their own pocket. 

Trinity also supports:

Friends of the Family, Habitat for Humanity, the Bremer County Food Pantry, and various other local endeavors. 


Women at the Well Prison Ministry at Mitchelville, Iowa

Iowa UMC Disaster Response

Northeast Iowa Food Bank



UMC Native America Ministries

UMCOR Disaster Response



Self-Help, International

Africa University (Scholarship, Tractor, Kitchen)

Costa Rica Feeding Program

UMCOR Disaster Response